Thursday, November 17, 2011

Managers Shape the Future

Last Mondays activity during class was very confusing to me. I don't really know how I feel about the exercise. I was really looking forward to discussing everything in class on Wednesday but since it was cancelled I guess I will comment some on here. I was in the middle group for this exercise. When Dr. Goates gave us our instructions and our office space we all went down together and discussed what we should all be doing. Nobody really seemed to know where to begin with every, we wasted a lot of time not knowing where to go or what to do. When things finally started to come together and we recieved the criteria for the slogans we only had 5 to 10 minutes to get our bottom group people and come up with as many good slogans as possible.

Overall my group had some good slogan ideas. I thought that we did good on time but when we arrived at the classroom many groups had already sold thier slogans. Even though I believe ours were probably better, we got the minimum amount of goats bucks for them because the buyers only had a few bucks left to give away. By the time the class period was over I was left feeling very confused about what had happened in those very quick 75 minutes. I guess I will have to wait until this Monday to find out for sure how my team did and which groups made out the best overall.


  1. I would have to agree that I was very confused by the activity as well. The instructions seemed sort of vague or something. After our group, which was the top group figured out exactly what we were doing, we thought we were on the right track and things seemed to be moving smoothly. However, once we went up to the room to finalize everything, we were all caught off guard when everyone had there own slogans. I am also looking forward to class so that maybe I can make some sense of this.

  2. You are right when you say nobody knew where to begin. We were all confused and by the time we realized what we were supposed to do and started to do it, the class period was over and I didn't get to sell any slogans.

  3. I agree that we wasted time, however I feel like we didn't have a choice; we had to wait for the other groups for instructions. I feel that this is probably very similar to how real life middle managers must feel; they have to wait on instructions from more powerful entities while at the same time making sure that the levels under them are acting in efficient and speedy manners. This exercise was frustrating but I think it is a way to prepare those of us who may find ourselves in this position at some point in our futures. After all experience is usually the best teacher.

  4. we the top group moved as fast as we could. we went to the customer before they were even ready for us. it just wasn't a lot of time overall. Excited to see how this one is analyzed but as Karli said we learn from experiance.

  5. I agree we did not have a lot of time and nobody seemed to know what was going on. As a member of the top group it was pretty much here go and we were not given any direction. I think that really hindered the experiment as we took almost half to really get started.
